The Assigned To Dos page displays the assigned To Do items for any location that the user has the privilege to view. The page shows any Complete To Dos within the last 2 weeks and ALL Incomplete To Dos that are on or after the posted date.
Each To Do is displayed as a row in the grid. Each row contains the following information:
Due Date — date by which the To Do item is requested to be completed
Title — name of the To Do item with an embedded link that allows for the viewing the details of the To Do item
Assigned To — name of the retail location or corporate account for which the To Do item is assigned.
Assignee — the user that the To Do item is assigned to
Completed By — the user that marked the To Do item as Completed
Date Completed — the date that the To Do item was marked Completed
Status — the status of the To Do item is either Completed or Incomplete. Click the Button in the 'Status' column to either 'Complete this To Do item' (sets status to Completed) or 'Undo Complete this To Do item (sets status to Incomplete)